Learn the Secrets to Chat and Date the Sexiest Girls
If she’s totally hot and you’re feeling like a huge NOT, you’ll likely get pretty upset when other guys try to flirt with her. This is especially true if they seem like they might be more her type than you. But before you let your insecurity take over, take a deep breath and find out if you have what it takes to chat and date a hot chic. Fear not, the dating experts at VoyeurHouse have gathered the best advice on how to chat and date the sexiest girls. Check out these tips on how to navigate dating someone who’s a real stunner.
Dating apps can be a real challenge, as anyone who’s spent time on them will tell you. Why is that? Well, especially for women, they’re bombarded with messages from strangers every single day. It’s impossible to read them all, and even harder to reply to a decent number. If you want to stand out on a dating app, just saying “Hey” won’t cut it. Variations like “Hey sexy” definitely don’t count as standing out.
The good news is that grabbing someone’s attention on a dating app isn’t as tricky. You don’t have to come up with some wild plan of setting up a dog sanctuary or spin a crazy, funny tale about how you ended up in a stranger’s trunk. Yeah, we all know you probably have saved these ideas in your notes so you can use them on every match in hopes that some hot chic will bite.

Just go ahead and ask the person out on a date. You know, like how people used to do before all the dating apps took over. For those who started dating back in the day, this might feel like a nice throwback to when folks met at bars or in random places. Tinder is an app that helps you deal with real-life dating. So, don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be— all you need to do is ask them out.
If you haven’t noticed yet, the most sought-after women don’t stick around on dating apps for long.
And it’s not because they get fed up and leave.
It’s because one of the few guys who actually knows how to navigate the dating scene scoops them up and makes them unavailable super quickly.
Seriously, that’s just how it works. If you’ve dabbled in online dating, you’ve probably seen profiles of women disappear right in front of you—sometimes just a couple of days after they show up in your search.
Dating Pro Advice on How to Get the Sexiest Girls on Dating Apps
1. Check out something cool in their bio or photos and comment on it. Ask thoughtful questions about what you see on their profile to show you’re genuinely interested and can keep a real conversation going.
2. Avoid being cheesy. While some women might enjoy pick-up lines and a bit of swagger, most find it off-putting.
3. Don’t dive into personal “deal breakers” online. Save those questions about height, kids, and preferences for an in-person chat. Bringing them up in online conversations can come off as immature.
4. If your online chat is going well, suggest grabbing a drink or coffee together soon. Don’t rush into it, but make sure to show that you’re interested in meeting up before the conversation fizzles out. Remember, they didn’t join an online dating site just to chat.

5. Show off your variety in the photos you share. Instead of trying to look super attractive in your profile pics, go for a more genuine approach. Use a nice photo as your main image, but also include a classy shot (like from a wedding or event), a fun or silly picture, and one where you’re enjoying your favorite hobby.
6. Put some real effort into your profile. If you’re decent-looking and have a good job, the specifics might not matter as much, but many women will judge your dating potential based on your profile. Make it entertaining! If humor isn’t your strong suit, consider having someone else help you out.
If you’re out of work, it might be a good idea to take a break from online dating and concentrate on finding a job. Nobody really wants to date someone who’s not employed.
8. Avoid posting pictures that might put you in a box. Want to flaunt your abs? Some women might just see you as a gym junkie. Whether that’s true or not, is that the vibe you want to give off? If you post a hunting photo, people might label you as a redneck. It’s not fair, but that’s how it goes.
9. Don’t act like a different person online than you do in real life. There’s no secret formula for online dating. Trying to be someone you’re not usually doesn’t end well. Just be chill, be yourself, and treat it like regular socializing or flirting.
10. She’s super hot and sexy, but there’s a lot more to her. Sure, she knows she’s attractive. But there’s a whole lot more beneath the surface when you chat and date the sexiest girls. Be sure to highlight her other qualities when you compliment her. The more unique and detailed your praise, the more she’ll appreciate why she chose you over all the other guys who were after her.

Lastly, keep your messages short and sweet. Don’t sound like you’ve already decided she’s THE ONE for you. That’s a real creepy vibe. Always make it easy for her to reply.
Online dating these days can feel pretty jaded, no doubt about it. But at the end of the day, it’s still just dating. Don’t stress too much about it. If you choose a good time and spot to meet, make sure it’s easy for your date to get there, and confirm that your date is on and will happen. Get that right and you’re already ahead of the game.
Muster up the confidence to chat and date the sexiest girls with VoyeurHouse!